About The Author








Karen DeMers Dowdall, former Professor of Clinical Research, Nutrition, and Nursing, was born in New England and spent her elementary-grade school years in Granby, Connecticut. She graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a bachelor’s degree in nursing, master’s degree in clinical research nursing and a PhD in Clinical Nutrition.

Karen is also a lover of ballet, jazz, ballroom dance, contemporary dance, and has had her own dance studio. She also has directed and choregraphed stage productions, fashion shows, and designed clothing for stage productins. Karen loves to swim. She was once an ocean lifeguard during the summper seasons in college, loves scuba diving, water skiing, and snow skiing. She loves to visit art museums and historical places.

K. D.  has written songs, poetry, short stories, and now several fiction novels; a middle-grade fantasy adventure story with two books to follow as a series, a historical mystery/murder with a dash romance and a third fiction, a mystery thriller with light romance.  She is currently writing a historical time-slip novel.

Along the way, it has been her good fortune to live in the Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, and England. Each culture she experienced reinforced her belief that all cultures are rich in storytelling to explain their human hopes, dreams, struggles, and life experiences; often told in magical fantasy presentations.

123 thoughts on “About The Author

    • Paul, please forgive me for this very tardy reply. Not to make excuses, however, I was not able to response to many because I developed a devastating vision condition and have literally lived in a mostly darkened room for the last 9 months. I am now beginning to get to “see” some improvement. Much of what I posted during that very scary time I had already written previously. I would love to post something on your blog. I will write something about dogs. Many who are my friends. 🙂 Karen

      Liked by 4 people

      • My turn to be tardy. It was your kind comment left over at my place that had me revisit here. How time flies!

        Was curious as to when you lived in England, where were you based, and your lasting impressions?

        Liked by 2 people

    • Hi there, well thank you so much. I am a new writer and I am still learning. Comments and critiques are encouraged. 🙂 By the way, I love the title of your blog. If it were possible, wouldn’t that be lovely. Life is just to short! Not that I haven’t tried, though. Ha! Karen

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Hi Karen thank you so much for visiting my Blog and for deciding to Follow! Your Blog is beautiful I just had a brief visit and I Follow you back! I am an Artist Designer I love to express my creativity through different mediums you can see all of them on my Blog, I also write poems, haiku and 50 words stories…I will come back to dig more into your Blog soon! Thank you have a wonderful and Happy Easter! Carolina

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Carolina, I loved your site and the fact that you love bunnies is wonderful, because I love bunnies too. My first major in college was in Fine Art and I love to draw, especially with pastel and art pencils, oil, and ink. We havd alot in common. I write poems and short stories too. I will be visiting your beautiful site often. Karen

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh Karen this is a beautiful thing! I am very happy that we came across each other and yes we have many things in common and I love your Blog too which I will visit often! Let’s stay connected ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Karen…you are victim to a comment and follow on my blog…I have a personal modus operandi that anyone who likes a post, comments or follows has to have the kindness returned. You blog is inspiring and I’m definitely following 🙃

    Really looking forward to seeing posts and commenting in future….the guest post idea above is something I’d like to start doing at some point and your be more than welcome if time allowed….although above your eyesight thing sounded terrifying 🤕

    Liked by 1 person

      • You are very welcome and the comments are deserved too….I’ve never done guest posts on mine before but someone suggested it’s a good way to build a community…. Granted January to now isnt long and I don’t really know much about the protocols of it….I mean are you supposed to invite someone or do they offer or is the a guest blog blog where folk offer…newbie mind is back 🤕

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Karan I’m not sure if you are getting the replys I’m posting to your comments on my blog? I did try and send you copy of the book for free but the email address bounced back. I didn’t want you to think I was just ignoring you…I have been responding!
    Any way happy reading and I hope you enjoy the book 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Cassie Ellen, I did not get your replies and my email address (my other email address) is:
    karendowdall@comcast.net and please don’t worry, for $2.99, that is almost free. I didn’t want to wait. It is very generous of you to give away books and good to do sometimes, but I feel you deserve to be paid for your work. Funny I should say that, since I too, give away my books. I think it is going to be a great book to read! Your friend, Karen 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • O I don’t know why you didn’t get my replies. I’m so sorry! But then I didn’t know that you had replied to this message either (I didn’t get a notification or anything) so maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong!? I’m new to WordPress LOL. I’m glad I messaged you on here then, I would hate you to think I had ignored you.
      Thank you so much for reading my book :):):):). I am so glad you are liking it so far. Please do leave a review on Amazon when you are done.

      I have just finished my TBR pile actually :)…so which one of your books should I start with? :):):)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi cassie, I love to do reviews – no need to even ask. 🙂 I have done about 40 reviews thus far on Amazon, but almost none this year. I had vision problem that preventing from reading, writing, and do most anything. Now, it is greatly improved, thank goodness. Cassie, you don’t have to read one of my book, but if you do, it depends on what type of book you like. “Delphi Altair Strange Beginnings” is a fantasy fiction with a bit of science fiction, paranormal, aliens, a ghost, sea ships, planetary travel, and three teens who manage to save the world, oh, and a very mean school teacher.

    Garrett’s Bones is a modern day paranormal murder mystery of a young girl, it is very “atmospheric” and a history of the village that goes to back to 1680 A.D. Two main Characters, Garrett’s and Anna who try to solve the mystery and find themselves involved in dark secrets from the ancient past that puts their very lives at risk and the community. I would say it is more of a character study novel, but scary too. Either one is find with me. Karen 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have only just seen this as well! I don’t no why I don’t get notifications! I will defo check out your books so thank you :). I love to read anything!

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  6. Karen I had to stop by your about page, I love to write poems, I have two books on Amazon I do not care to promote, I did it to say “I can” on the other hand I’d love to be like you. Great blog and great poems, link on my page your amazon and I will get it. Jackie~ My hobbies is Reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, us poets always think our poetry is lacking in someway. I too feel that way. You might be surprised that someone might really “get” that poetry that you have written. So, promote it and see what happens. My hobbies are many and they include reading. So nice to hear from you and thank you so much for liking my poems. Karen 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I’ve been following Charles French for quite some time, and through his blog, discovered yours. I write short fiction and poetry, and am currently working on a novel about witches–Southern witches, in my case. 🙂
    Like you, I grew up in a rural setting, (in the South) playing in the woods and creeks with five siblings and Lord-knows-how-many cousins, and those roots fuel the majority of my writing.
    I’m happy to make your acquaintance!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Hi Karen! Thank you for following me at Roz Morris, author! I just wanted to let you know that’s not a blog but a static site so you might never hear a peep from me there again! But there’s plenty going on at Nail Your Novel dotcom. Anyway, thanks for your interest in my work – and it’s nice to meet you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello GP Cox, it is nice to meet you too. You were a Pacific Paratrooper? How brave you are, a hero. Thank you for all you have done for all of us. Amazing. My father was in WWII, in the Pacific, the Philippines. He was a Lieutenant in the Army. I was a military brat, and I was once married to a Colonel in the Air Force. Did you ever live in Salmon Brook, CT. It is very small, but with so much history. Karen 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • First, let me clarify that I was not the paratrooper – my father Smitty was 11th Airborne. I am merely a member of the 11th A/B Assn. And, it is a friend of mine, Lavinia Ross who once lived there and now has the blog, Salmon Brooks Farms, to keep us updated on the animals, vineyard and the tree she planted in honor of my son, Michael, who passed away while in the USMC back in ’92. I do hope you will click on the link I supplied for you to visit her site as well, perhaps you know each other.
        Thank you for your reply. My readers have pretty much taken over my site. They share family stories from the war, results of combat, etc. They talk to each other, not just me and I love it!! So please do share there in the comments as well, such as what unit your father was in.

        Liked by 1 person

      • HI GP, thank you so much for clarifying and I can imagine how proud you are of your Dad. I don’t know what unit my Dad was in. I only know he had a very bad back injury and my mother use to say that my father was never the same. My three siblings and I came late into the lives of my parents (I am an identical twin) with two other siblings that followed soon after. Please accept my heartfelt condolences regarding your very brave, honorable son Michael and one of our great heroes. I worked as a volunteer nurse in the military hospital in Taiwan and as an advance practice nurse in the VA in Atlanta and I know how brave they are. Karen

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Good morning, Dr! I have to agree with the rest that your site is lovely. Very steam-lined, but still soft around the edges. I hope to take some parts of the day and thoroughly search through it for all its secrets and tips. Best of luck, already horrified about “the vision thing,” cant wait! =)


  10. Hey there!

    I’m K&L from the Millionaire’s Digest and I am the Author, Publisher & CEO who runs the 300+ team, and I recently received your application to join our team.

    Anyway, this is a letter to let you know that I’ve accepted your request, so I’ve sent you an invitation to your email. Thank you!

    The Millionaire’s Digest Author, Publisher & CEO

    P.S. – I think that’s awesome how you went from owning your own dance studio to doing something big for a company as big as Universal Studios! I admire the type of people who’ve got the same drive as me to do whatever it takes to be successful! Anyway, hope you have a good rest of the day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello K&L,
      So nice to meet you. I am thrilled to be a part of Millionaire’s Digest! Thank you! I think your concept is great and with 300+ contributors thus far, everyone will be learning so many new and wonderful things as well as sharing their knowledge, their life experiences, and their writing. 🙂
      K. D.
      Karen Dowdall (Pen and Paper)


    • Annebelle, thank you so much and I really like Millie’s point of view as well. It is nice to see a fellow magic writer for children and older age groups too. I will be visiting your blog on a regular basis. Very refreshing! K. D. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Your welcome and it is my pleasure. Please note, I have a spiritual belief that encompasses loving all people no matter what they have done in life, even the worst among us are loved. I am not here to judge others or to talk about sin, whom among us is not without fault. Only love, compassion, forgiven and the lifting up of others is what I believe, like Jesus, for as he said, “forgive them, they no not what they do.”

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      • Jesus also said Karen, “Go and Sin no more” and we are told not to loose our Saltiness, God also asks us who will contend with Him against evil and who will Stand up for His Truth.

        We remember too that it is not Love to watch Satan get a foothold in someones life and just look the other way when they continue to Sin but yes we must Correct and Warn in Love and for Love and not with a Worldly Agenda but with God’s Truth but we don’t judge others weaknesses and shortcomings critically, we all have our own.

        Titus 2:14-15 Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things Speak, and Exhort, and Rebuke with all Authority. Let no man despise thee.

        2 Timothy 4 : 2-3 Preach the word be instant in season, out of season Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears.

        2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof, for Correction, for Instruction in Righteousness: That the man of God may be Perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

        Blessings – Anne.

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      • Anne, this hatred that we face toward our other human beings, is something that can grow and poison your children, my children, and the world’s children with hate and murder in their hearts. It is up to the people who see everyone, even the haters, as God’s children to stand up. Evil ideology kills the innocent and destroys all goodness in the world. Jesus stood up against evil and so shall we. God did not make this world perfect, because that is what we are suppose to do. Karen Anne


  11. Karen I agree with you when we hate others and hold bitterness and resentment towards them even seeking revenge, it is like mixing poison for them and drinking it ourselves, it’s cancerous and it eats away all the goodness in us, yes we are to even Love our enemies.

    Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger, and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

    Matthew 5:43-45 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven for He maketh His Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

    Something that we also need to remember Karen as confirmed below in Scripture is that everything God made was very good but man destroyed it through the Fall giving Satan the right to control this World and he seeks to destroy all good things which come from God, it is True Satan can’t do good and God can’t do evil.

    Genesis1:31 And God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning was the sixth day.

    1 John 5:18-20 We know that no one who is Born of God Sins but He who was Born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him. We know that we are of God and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is True and we are in Him who is True in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the True God and Eternal life.

    We choose who we will follow as you and I have done Karen, God does not want puppets He has given us free will to choose. Because we have chosen to Love God and others we seek now through the empowering of The Holy Spirit put to death our Carnal flesh that would stop us Loving (Romans 8 :12-15- Romans 6 -Colossians 3:4-6 -Galatians 5:24 -26) as we Aim to be perfected in God’s Love (Matthew 5:48 – Hebrews6:1-Philippians 3:14-16 -2Timothy 3:17-1John 4:16-19- 1John 2:4-6- 2Corinthians 13:11) and this is the example we will show others both in Words and Actions including your Children and those I reach out to in my Ministries, my 7 Babies are in Heaven.

    Christian Love Always – Anne.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Nice to meet you too, Luanne and yes, I have had a very varied and exciting life, however, I find all life intriguing and exciting. I must go look at your writersite.org. Do you have published
      works or manuscripts you are working on? I Hope you have a lovely day and thank you for commenting! Karen

      Liked by 2 people

      • To all our vivid and exciting lives! My full length poetry collection is Doll God and I have a new chapbook out this summer called Kin Types. I am very slowly working on a memoir, and I have small pieces in lit mags. Thanks for asking, Karen. You too have a lovely weekend.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Luanne, I plan on purchasing your Doll God poetry book and it is on my list. Kin Types sounds wonderful, the title is great. It sound like your life also has been, thus far, exciting. Have a lovely day, Luanne! Karen

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      • I’m not sure my life changes as much as yours might have changed. Moving to other countries has a way of doing that. And dancing, how great is that! my daughter is an excellent dancer (she’s a musical theatre performer), so I was a dance mom for years. I took mommy jazz class, turns class, and loved it, but I got injured trying to do splits (which my body was not even able to do with I was in ballet as a kid haha).

        Liked by 1 person

      • Luanne, you must be so proud of your daughter! Dance was my life for a number of years, but the level of excellence and acrobatics that are in dancing now, I doubt I could ever do. What area of dance is your daughter’s favorite? I imagine, she loves all dance. Karen 🙂

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      • She was never big into ballet, but she was respectable at it. She isn’t the right body type for ballet. She always LOVED lyrical (because of the emoting, no doubt) and loves jazz. She’s also great at musical theatre dance, hiphop, and tap. She’s a super turner and leaper, but also doesn’t like the acrobatic stuff.


      • I was ok in class, but would freeze up pretty bad at recitals. My legs would shape uncontrollably, so I had to restrain my movements. And then when I concentrate my tongue hangs out ;).

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      • Luanne, I just purchased your book, with your signature and it will be here in a couple of weeks. I am thrilled. I have a book of poetry, entitled, “To Wish Upon a Star”. Poems of love and loss and 4 short stories that will be coming out in January/February. I will have a kindle version and a paperback. I also have two new books coming out soon, The Stone Arch Secret (a romance mystery) and A Witch’s Due, Book 1 (part of the White Witch Chronicles).

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, thank you so much, Karen! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know, ok? Rather than wait for one of the new ones, I am going to read Garrett’s Bones as the description really appeals to me!


      • Luanne, thank you so much! I know I will love Doll God. Garrett’s Bones is good, so says Writer’s Digest, but could have been better. I am still learning how to be a better writer and some day a great writer. Are you working on a new writing of poetry or a novel? Karen 🙂

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  12. What a charming blog! I’ve always wanted mine to be special, but (long story) I bought a new computer that doesn’t support WordPress and moved to another Web that hasn’t worked out too well (because it is too complicated and all I could do was not what I want to do. So, although technically, upwardbound.me/WP.com is still my address “I” am absent until I can get it going again. The blog was dismantled but will one day be refurbished and still accepts comments.
    I do love you pages and your following is superb! Congratulations to you and to all of them!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Marie, thank you so much, I greatly appreciate your comments and you are so kind to do so. Technology on websites seem to change daily and it is frustrating. Do you have Chrome or google, if you download it unto your computer you would have access to WP, but I don’t know for sure. I recently purchased a new computer too and I had to download Google’s Chrome to be able to work on different sites. Karen 🙂


  14. Karen, lovely to come across your blog from Sally’s and your kind comment on my archive guest post. 😀Wow! You are an accomplished passionate writer and I agree, world experiences enhances one’s writing considerably. So happy to ‘meet’ you.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: A Review: THE GENIE HUNT | M.C. Tuggle, Writer

  16. Your “Whimsical Wednesday” title caught my eye. I have a blog as well, where I post a new poem each week on my “Wednesday Whims of Poetry” page. I love your site and am following now. I look forward to checking out more of you work. Happy December!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. You have enjoyed an interesting life, Karen. Being from the UK (I was born in the city of Liverpool but have lived and worked in London since 1994), I was interested to read that you have lived in the UK. In which part of the country did you live? Best wishes – Kevin


    • K. Morris Poet, so sorry to have missed this comment from you. I may have been out of town visiting my daughters at that time. I lived in a townhouse in Hampstead Heath, London. I loved it there and traveled throughout England. Karen Anna


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